Summary and conclusion


What did we cover?

  • Supervised machine learning fundamentals
  • Introduction to linear models
  • Introduction to deep learning and transfer learning
  • Introduction to language models and large language models

A bit about our MDS program

  • Master of Data Science (MDS) is a 10-month accelerated professional program
  • 24 1-credit courses in 8 months + 2 months Capstone with industry/academia partners
  • Unique partnership between CS, Stats, and Linguistics
  • Curriculum designed from scratch

Our audience

  • Individuals with basic knowledge of programming, statistics, calculus, and linear algebra.
  • Professionals currently working with data, seeking a systematic understanding of data science to effectively solve their data problems
  • Those looking for a career change, feeling bored, or aiming to upskill
  • Fresh undergrads with research experience or who have completed co-ops or internships

Some possibilities

  • Submit a data science related Capstone project and work with our students
  • If you are interested in applying to the program check out our web page:

How did we do?

  • That’s it! Thank you for attending our workshop.
  • We would greatly appreciate your feedback.
  • Your input will also help us advocate for organizing more workshops like this in the future.