CPSC 330 Lecture 9: Classification Metrics
- Important information about midterm 1
- https://piazza.com/class/m01ukubppof625/post/249
- HW4 has been released. Due next week Monday.
- HW5 will be released next week Tuesday. It’s a project-type assignment and you get till Oct 28th to work on it.
ML workflow
- So far we have been measuring model performance using Accuracy.
- Accuracy is the proportion of all classifications that were correct, whether positive or negative. \[Accuracy = \frac{\text{corrct classifications}}{\text{total classifications}}\]
- However, in many real-world applications, the dataset is imbalanced or one kind of mistake is more costly than the other
- In such cases, it’s better to optimize for one of the other metrics instead.
Fraud Confusion matrix
- Which types of errors would be most critical for the bank to address?
Fraud Confusion matrix
- TN \(\rightarrow\) True negatives
- FP \(\rightarrow\) False positives
- FN \(\rightarrow\) False negatives
- TP \(\rightarrow\) True positives
Confusion matrix questions
Imagine a spam filter model where emails classified as spam are labeled 1 and non-spam emails are labeled 0. If a spam email is incorrectly classified as non-spam, what is this error called?
- A false positive
- A true positive
- A false negative
- A true negative
Confusion matrix questions
In an intrusion detection system, intrusions are identified as 1 and non-intrusive activities as 0. If the system fails to identify an actual intrusion, wrongly categorizing it as non-intrusive, what is this type of error called?
- A false positive
- A true positive
- A false negative
- A true negative
Confusion matrix questions
In a medical test for a disease, diseased states are labeled as 1 and healthy states as 0. If a healthy patient is incorrectly diagnosed with the disease, what is this error known as?
- A false positive
- A true positive
- A false negative
- A true negative
Precision, Recall, F1-Score
iClicker Exercise 9.1
iClicker cloud join link: https://join.iclicker.com/VYFJ
Select all of the following statements which are TRUE.
- In medical diagnosis, false positives are more damaging than false negatives (assume “positive” means the person has a disease, “negative” means they don’t).
- In spam classification, false positives are more damaging than false negatives (assume “positive” means the email is spam, “negative” means they it’s not).
- If method A gets a higher accuracy than method B, that means its precision is also higher.
- If method A gets a higher accuracy than method B, that means its recall is also higher.
Counter examples
Method A - higher accuracy but lower precision
Method B - lower accuracy but higher precision
The above metrics assume a fixed threshold.
We use thresholding to get the binary prediction.
A typical threshold is 0.5.
- A prediction of 0.90 \(\rightarrow\) a high likelihood that the transaction is fraudulent and we predict fraud
- A prediction of 0.20 \(\rightarrow\) a low likelihood that the transaction is non-fraudulent and we predict Non fraud
What happens if the predicted score is equal to the chosen threshold?
Play with classification thresholds
iClicker Exercise 9.2
iClicker cloud join link: https://join.iclicker.com/VYFJ
Select all of the following statements which are TRUE.
- If we increase the classification threshold, both true and false positives are likely to decrease.
- If we increase the classification threshold, both true and false negatives are likely to decrease.
- Lowering the classification threshold generally increases the model’s recall.
- Raising the classification threshold can improve the precision of the model if it effectively reduces the number of false positives without significantly affecting true positives.
PR curve
- Calculate precision and recall (TPR) at every possible threshold and graph them.
- Better choice for highly imbalanced datasets
ROC curve
- Calculate the true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR) at every possible thresholding and graph TPR over FPR.
- Good choice when the datasets are roughly balanced.
- The area under the ROC curve (AUC) represents the probability that the model, if given a randomly chosen positive and negative example, will rank the positive higher than the negative.
ROC AUC questions
Consider the points A, B, and C in the following diagram, each representing a threshold. Which threshold would you pick in each scenario?
- If false positives (false alarms) are highly costly
- If false positives are cheap and false negatives (missed true positives) highly costly
- If the costs are roughly equivalent