

Title Description
Lecture 1: Course introduction What is machine learning, types of machine learning, learning to navigate through the course materials, getting familiar with the course policies
Lecture 2: Terminology, baselines, decision Trees Supervised machine learning terminology: Features, target, examples, training, parameters and hyperparameters, Decision boundary, classification vs. regression, inference vs. prediction, accuracy vs. error, baselines, intuition of decision trees
Lecture 3: ML fundamentals Generalization, data splitting, cross-validation, overfitting, underfitting, the fundamental tradeoff, the golden rule
Lecture 4: \(k\)-nearest neighbours and SVM RBFs Introduction to KNNs, hyperparameter n_neighbours or \(k\), C and gamma hyperparameters of SVM RBF, decision boundaries with different values of hyperparameters.
Lecture 5: Preprocessing and sklearn pipelines Preprocessing motivation, Common transformations in sklearn, sklearn transformers vs. Estimators, The golden rule in the feature transformations, sklearn pipelines
Lecture 6: sklearn column transformer and text fearutres Column transformer, arguments of OHE, encoding text features, incorporating text features in an ML pipeline
Lecture 7: Linear models Intuition behind linear models, linear regression and logistic regression, scikit-learn’s Ridge model, prediction probabilities, interpret model predictions using coefficients learned by a linear model, parametric vs. non-parametric models
Lecture 8: Hyperparameter Optimization motivation for hyperparameter optimization, hyperparameter optimization using sklearn’s GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV, optimization bias
Lecture 9: Classification metrics confusion metrics, precision, recall, f1-score, PR curves, AP score, ROC curve, ROC AUC, class imbalance
Lecture 10: Regression metrics Classification metrics recap, ridge and RidgeCV, alpha hyperparameter of ridge, MSE, RMSE, MAPE, log transformations on the target
Lecture 11: Midterm review  
Lecture 12: Ensembles  
Lecture 13: Feature importances  
Lecture 14: Feature engineering and selection Motivation for feature engineering, preliminary feature engineering on text data, general concept of feature selection, model-based feature selection vs. RFE
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